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Sharpening of our Corporate Identity and soft logo evolution

The very core of our corporate purpose is the development and production of unique and attractive brush series, which help our clients to distinguish themselves positively in their market environment and to be successful with our brushes. This success of our business partners is our motivation.

It is our goal to realize co-developed brushes series meeting highest demands in function, design and sustainability.

In this process, our innovative capacity, our service performance and sustainable, long-term orientated management are key elements of our success.

Next to this intense revaluation of our company purpose, our vision and mission it was also important to formulate a set of values, with which our staff can identify and which is the basis for our daily cooperation with all business partners.

Core values of the culture being a family business is the spirit of partnership, continuous improvement, our responsibilty for the environment and next generations, our long-term orientation and accountability as well as enjoyment of what we do and of the goals which we achieved together.

As first visible element of this sharpening process of our corporate identity we will be using our new, slightly changed logo which is more progressive and referring to the uniqueness of our brush series.

This development process with continue as environmental conditions, market requirements and therefore the individual demands of our clients are steadily changing.

We are looking forward to our ongoing business journey!

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